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Tales of a broken guy.
Its him.


Im just a human being, fighting for LOVE and PRIDE.
GOD, CANOEING, MATES and FRIENDS are my loves. music and jay are my ADDICTS. while others are just. TRASH.

I am worth, $2,456,190
ADD me in Friendster/MSN

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Straight As (!)
Audio Technica DJ headmuffs.(:

Empty Vessel.



Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x o x o

Date : Sunday, January 24, 2010
Time : 3:19 PM
okay okay, really nothing better to do. shall blog more about the meet ups. I gonna say my 18 years of school holidays this is the one whr i meet most of my cliques. haha(:

Damai Pri School Gathering.

Haha after much organising by me. I finally got many back for a dinner together, thanks for showing up eh. So much memories in that 6 years(: there was so much fun and laughter throughout the whole night man(: meet up soon again alrightts(:

SEVENTH Gathering.

Haha finally another time together for the SEVENTH, haha we're so busy nowadays that we hardly can meet eh. So happy that everyone is back on again. As usual, disturbing the one who always leave early. Lesson learnt ahha(: Walk around bugis, ate at hip hop diner(:

Okay next up timber @ old school with oliver, naiy and christine. Haha as usual, timber always has been filled with games, fun and laughter, along with good music(:

Next next christmas celebration!!! haha didnt take any photos but i'll just briefly descibed what happen. 08s08 gathering at gabriel house for dinner, it was a bbq dinner filled with pool table, mahjong table, gonna go back early because next day was 2 star course! haha(:

New Year Countdown.
Gathering of OG 16 again but this time it was without oliver as he is happily enjoying himseld in Macau. Went to dempsey hills for dinner at DOME. It was my first time there haha, place there is v. atas as u can see damn many branded cars there. Haha, have ice-creams at B&J and HTH talk at Harry's(: Den went over to Marina square to meet bryan chan yao fu to see fireworks with goh nai-ying haha. Saw kath there(:

Still many many more events to come so stay up for my blog as wanna let someone see this first(:

Date : Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Time : 11:23 PM
blog blog blog
rant rant rant.

back for prom blogging and trying to keep up to date. haha been pretty busy recently.

7th december
prom prom prom, slept the whole morning laze around in the bed only to find out that it was 11+ alr. okay got up and started using the comp as always decided to laze around since its prom, left the house like ard 3 plus something to go for hair trimming, met up with naiy and den set off on 36 to douby ghaut, everyone seems to be getting there on their own transport and so i dont believe and took 190 there, bus was crowding and by the time i alight, im like a toot on the road, heng got my 5800 gps, guided me around making me walk up and down - -

run up the hill with my blazer on, got there, thanks goodness door haven close, kq scare me that the door is closing, okay cut short, got there, saw li ru they all, and settle down after we got our vouchers and discounts with our sticky sweets.

well table kinda boring, so we shall skip that, mainly took photos during band performance and prom king and queen scenarios was entertaining haha(: Before prom night ends was rushing around to take photos with many people. Den got up the chartered bus to supperclub.

Well everyone was slacking on their nice beds before people started spicing up the dance floor, went down to dance a bit but left cause it was way too damn crowded, and way too much loser drinker puking everywhere man.

Here are the photos, rest are up on facebook(:

Me and Limmy(:

China Trip Gang.

Cocker tall andrew


Guan yu(:

08s08 guys(:


Limmy on interview(:

sisong and liru(:

Okay next up i'll name events that take place between 8 december to 24 jan. Was way too much mia alr haha.

Okay mainly for canoeing i was helping damai to train up for their inter-school competition. Did up many things for them hope they appreciate it and use it well. General improvement in training attitude. Hope the goalsetting really spur them up.

2 star kayaking course. 25 - 27 dec
Yea thanks to 2 star course i generally down colour tone to turn darker again. Okay look at the date it is very weird. Our dear instructor is willing to do it on christmas, haha can see that he dont really celebrate christmas haha. Make many new friends there, including canoiest from hwa chong, and people who are in uni and a couple from Iraq ( i tot they were europeans at first) (: 2 star wasnt that hard from what i expect it to be. Just to cont from what they left u on 1 star. Which i did it like 6 years ago. Haha. Got my cert finally on 24 jan haha. (: quite a achievement for my holidays. Gonna thank mr sng for his teaching and sponsoring also(:

woah okay this one is like a very last min decision. haha didnt train up as much for that. Well got a 14th place out of like 50+ boats, caught up with a few boats including mr kieu(: SCM wasnt as bad as my year 1, i capsize on the portage area! manage to do quite well i feel. But i was greeted with a blue-black nail by cilfton lee. LOL

Okay picture will do the talking(:

SCM 2010

2 star kayaking(:

okay more to come next time. I'll promise u guys music blog is up before i enlist(: